Monday, October 25, 2010


They were just giving these shirts away on the street! Along with a sticker.
This shirt was a given away at E3 back in 2009 by the promoters of the OnLive service. And I don't believe they have a merchandise store now. However I wouldn't be surprised if they gave them away next year too.
 It's all black with 2 colors screened on it. A straightforward, black, graphic tee. An interesting side note that it has the logo on the back and nothing on the front. And it's a large, like, one size fits all nerds large.
On the front... nothing. On the sleeve there's a like a little OnLive logo and an orange line. The back is where it's at, it's their logo in like a bezie pattern. It's a fun application of their mobius loop logo and the ink actually held up pretty well for such thin lines. It annoyed me to no end though that the design was on the back. It's kind of a stealth shirt, in that no one would really notice unless they were watching you walk away. But when I initially got it, I almost immediately put it on and was instantly dismayed that the whole thing was obstructed by the convention bag I was carrying around that day. I had this same problem when I had long hair back in the day.
The shirt is only as powerful as the brand that it carries. Yes, it is a clean design with simple lines, but it really hinges on whether or not OnLive becomes a huge successful online streaming service. The first year I had this it was new and cool and everyone had high hopes for the future of this company. A service which allows you to stream games off a web-based computer with really good graphics and no lag, regardless of your own system specs. Wearing this was like wearing everything that company stood for, right up until it went out of beta.
I don't really try to wear this one too much. The service is whatever so I wear the shirt more as a rare item. Kind of a, "Hey, look at me, I clearly went to some event and got this given to me for free."

So this whole thing is about OnLive, turns out the graphics suck and the thing lags kinda bad. I got a beta account for it and started playing. It might be cool for you if you want to "own" games and have a bad computer... Ohh and you have to pay for each game you have on there. Basically you have to "rent" games on their system, it's not a Netflix kind of thing =( I suppose this is kind of a downer anecdote; at least I got a free shirt and told someone about OnLive. I guess the shirt marketing was a success!

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