Friday, November 5, 2010

Star Wars: Boba Fett

This sweet shirt was a gift for Xmas.
My parents got it for me after I picked it out of one of those fun/wacky things catalogs. It was manufactured by a company called Changes who still design and make a lot of shirts to this day. The shirt is dated 1995 so it must have been back in Marin when I got it, quite a long time ago.
White shirts always worry me for the stain reason. This shirt is slick, back in the day you didn't see many shirts with designs that went past the middle of the shirt (the printable area was usually too small or the silkscreen frame was too restrictive.) It's a medium, so it was way too big for me when I was little and I used it for a sleeping shirt, but it fits fine now.
"No matter how sure I am, I never bet the Fett man." What we've got here is the most bad ass bounty hunter in the galaxy. Boba Fett has been a symbol from Star Wars ever since it came out. He represents independence, death, violence, money, etc. The style of this shirt is big & subtle. It's not loud and flashy but it is in your face. The fact that it is one color allows for the large scale of the design, which made it really unique and desirable back then.
I like to wear Boba Fett around when I'm feeling either particularly in the mood for Star Wars (like I just played an awesome Star Wars video game or an episode of the new series) or am feeling rather confident and kick ass (like a bounty hunter). Because Star Wars is so old, most people would remember him from the first trilogy, younger people might know from the prequels and even the youngest could place him from the games or the Clone Wars animated series. It's really a shirt that bridges generations of nerds @_@

When I used to live in Northern California, we were about 15 minutes from Skywalker Ranch (Lucas Valley.) Our local theater was this huge brown building that only had one screen and showed only one movie for a month or so. It's still there as far as I know and it's a great, old fashioned movie-going experience. Since it was such a high quality theater, and close by, Lucasfilm used it to premiere/sneak preview their new releases. I wore this shirt to the re-releases of the original trilogy there and of course The Phantom Menace when it came out a little later. If they do a 3D re-release I may wear this to the premiere once again.

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