Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Peace - The old fashioned way

This was actually a souvenir, even though it doesn't have a location on it. I bought because I thought it was rad at the time.
On a road trip to see some relatives in Colorado we stopped by the US Air Force Academy. Why? I have no idea why, but it was pretty cool. They had all kinds of cool planes and military equipment. When you're like 10 all that stuff is super awesome. And what little boy doesn't want to become an fighter pilot anyway? Once we finished our "tour" there we grabbed this in the gift shop.
I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that this shirt was MADE IN AMERICA. The fabric is solid and the ink has held up for as long as I have owned it -not even cracking, though the tiniest bit of fading is present-. Again, I don't normally like white shirts but A) this was back when I wasn't a t-shirt prude and B) I think is a terribly clever shirt with a nifty design which I had never seen before. I don't have many -if any others at all- military shirts though several members of my family were in the service.
I still like the design after all these years. At the very top it says, "Peace the old fashioned way". On the bottom it says "Air Force". In the dead center lies a B-52 bomber covered in full camo. Surrounding the bomber is a circle, also clad in camouflage. Together they form a Peace symbol, which would be somewhat counter intuitive to a flying superfortress' intents. This peace:war contrast is what makes this design so intriguing.
This is a shirt that I wear somewhat ironically and somewhat seriously. I try to support the peace half of this shirt, in the cerebral sense. The design is so blatant and nationalistic that it becomes comical in its redneck-ness. It has at a fire-your-gun-in-the-air level of pride for our military complex. So boastful in fact that when an anti-war individual like myself wears it the you see how violent and offensive this message can be. On the flip side wearing this shirt at a NASCAR race, a Superbowl party, or near drunk Americans gets a few, "America, F*** YEAH!" shoutouts and mad high fives.

I was raised in a liberal democratic household. My family and upbringing taught peace and tolerance. I want to believe that I understand where ideas like this are forged and the atmosphere that is created by them. When I go out with this shirt I need to be ready to defend my position on it. Whether that be pro "peacekeeping" or anti-war. My friend Mike and I have had some excellent Blue vs. Red debates ranging from politics, science, economy to health care. Being informed and up to date on your facts can save your position -the Internet can be your friend for a quick check-. Don't be afraid to get some knowledge and try out the forbidden conversations of religion, politics and science! As long as everyone is playing a fair hand with an open mind, you can learn a lot about the world you live in.

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