Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Star Wars: Rock

I like this image and when I saw it on a shirt I had to have it.
The thrilling tale of acquiring this shirt goes like this: I was buying new shoes at Kohls -because they were having a clearance sale-. Turns out they were also having a sale on "graphic tees". This was one of the styles they had in their inventory. I was like, "F YEAH THAT IMAGE! I DIDN'T KNOW THEY MADE A SHIRT FROM IT!" From there I proceeded to rifle though all their racks looking for a medium. They didn't have one, well maybe a large or a small? No. Enjoy this extra large. I needed it, so I got a extra large.
The print quality on this is phenomenal. With a design that has such specific colors and vibrancy I would expect them to foul up the color range or print it very small with an ink jet or something. From what I can tell, they used a whole bunch of color screens and incredibly detailed halftone dots to create a surprisingly large image with spectacular quality. Sci-fi shirts and graphic tees on black are my thing so I couldn't wait to buy/wear this. I wish it wasn't x-large though. =/
So let me describe this glorious picture for you. Here, I'll even give you a link to a full size pic so you can follow along:
The frontman -frontwoman- is Leia Organa on the mic, singing her lungs out. Han Solo is wailing on a flying V mid power jump. R2-D2 and C-3PO are way in the back tickling the ivories and mixing the beats. Darth Vader is being suspended on wires down to the stage, throwing up the horns. Luke is front and center in the foreground ripping on guitar in what looks like a sequined version of his normal outfit. And thundering out the percussion is Chewbacca on a full drum kit. In the full picture there is a crazy fan crowd but it looks like they cut that out for the shirt version. What is not in the picture but was added to the shirt is the Star Wars logo outlined on the bottom edge. I don't know if they had to do that because of licencing or if it's there in case you can't recognize the characters.
So it looks like this is one of two Star Wars shirts I own. I think I have just as many Star Trek shirts but that's neither here nor there. I would wear this if I wanted to be an "awesome" nerd. A nerd who not only embraces being a fan but has some fun with it. If they ever had another screening for the Star Wars The Clone Wars: The Animated Series or maybe when/if they re-release the original movies in 3D I would bring this shirt when waiting in line. It's also great for 501st meetings, Star Wars conventions and the Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con! It is also a sweet shirt to troll Trekkies in, because of its pure awesomeness.

This shirt is meagerly received. Typically, people have already seen the image due to its wild Internet popularity and are over it. Or the design is too cluttered to make out what is going on at a quick glance. Trendy people wear really complex graphic tees nowadays that have no meaning or image other than fancy lines and like skulls or something. Because of these generic "designs" real images can get lost in the chaos. All I'm saying is take a closer look at what other people are wearing and what you buy because there may be little elements that have been put in that you aren't even appreciating.

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