Wednesday, April 13, 2011

God of War III

I got this from work, from the new president.
It went like this: we were all busily working like a normal day, when suddenly the head honcho showed up. He had a bunch of shirts that the Sony rep had dropped off for the company. Our department had recently been doing some great work and he wanted to reinforce that message. Basically it was a variety of different games, some more popular that others to say the least. I had the advantage of an empty desk next to mine where he dumped them and got first pick to snag this one. As far as I know this design is only for promotional purposes and you can't buy it at retail. Hell yeah, rare items.
I was stoked to get this shirt, it's one of my favorite parts of working "in the game industry" even if my role is minor. Black shirts with awesome graphics are what I'm all about, this is exactly what I look for in a shirt. Even though they only used 2 colors for the design, they did it masterfully -with incredible detail and quality-. By random chance it was a medium so, that's sweet too.
There is nothing on the back, but the front is near legendary. At the bottom it has the title of the game, "God of War III". I got the shirt long after the actual game came out on PLAYSTATION 3, it was probably sitting around collecting dust in another department before reaching me. I actually picked this one from the pile because I adore all off the games in this series, though I haven't yet beaten the PSP ones yet. The character featured here is Kratos, cursed by the gods and forced to fight all the way to Mt. Olympus to get revenge, he is the personification of badassery. He's covered in the ashes of his murdered family and always wears a grimace, 'cus he's just pissed off all the time. I don't know why but he always reminds me of my friend David, must be the shaved head.
This shirt is just straight brutal. If you know the character then you know what a total motherfucker he is, if you don't then hopefully you get the idea with the look he's giving. Fans of the game will appreciate the gesture of having a shirt from it but I doubt anyone would know that it's rare. Sometimes people will get shirts of games they like if there's a really cool one, but it's typically for an old, really popular franchise -Mario, Zelda, etc.-. When the game is more obscure or recent the shirts don't usually stay around long because it's more of a fad.

Today it didn't have much effect. Unfortunately, this is the first day that I've worn it and since it has been more than a year since the game came out I shouldn't have expected much. When creating this entry, and taking the picture, Geoff said I looked emo -on account of the hair and all-. I was just trying to put on a good menacing face and this is the best I could do on a 10 second time and with a full head of hair.

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