Wednesday, December 8, 2010

FLYNN LIVES - digitalpulse Edition

Now this may look the same as my other shirt, but it's not. I got this as a promo item at the Encom press conference when I went to Wondercon.
After going on their website, playing a game where you have to guess old game names on this huge pixel art poster, filing out a form and submitting a picture you would have been sent an "Encom" employee badge. The badge lets you into the press conference where this shirt was given away.
-I'm not going to look at the other post of mine for this shirt and we'll see how close they are.- This is a super cheap shirt to make. Like someone could make it with a silk-screener in their garage and have comparable quality and style -assuming they had the same fonts, design, etc.-. However, it has yet to crack from use. The main difference between the two shirts is that they ran out of my size at the event so it was a large or an extra large, I went with large. >_> But! The most important part, not to be overlooked, is that this is a simple, white on black, high contrast, graphic tee: the greatest of all the graphic tees.
On the front of this shirt it says "FLYNN LIVES". -Bear with me here- It's the name of the underground group that is trying to find legendary programmer Kevin Flynn, who disappeared back in 1989; leaving his company and his son orphaned. This a fake organization, created by 42 Entertainment, a marketing firm for Disney to promote the new movie Tron: Legacy.
At this point I only have like 2 more weeks to wear these shirts before the movie comes out and they become defunct. If they have a Flynn Lives event I'll put this on and show it off. If I wear this later -after the movie fades from memory- I'm really going to have to do a lot of explaining.

I heard there was going to be another event in San Francisco. I really really wanted to go, even though it would be a substantial trip; the gears started spinning. It was an awesome experience, filled with bestest friends and adventure. For the event, I had made a sign and everything, I was stoked. The coordinator pulled me and a few others up on stage to join teams. We were in charge of "infiltrating" the press conference and taking control halfway though. Suffice to say, it felt awesome participating in an event that puts you directly in the plot of the movie. Sad to see it come to an end today with the digitalpulse. You can bet I'll be ready for whatever Alternate Reality Game they come up with next.
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