Thursday, December 23, 2010

Schart's Bakkerÿ - Since 1880


Someone was throwing away/giving away some old clothes and I jumped at the chance.
I believe I got this at the same time I got one of my Joe Jost's shirts. My neighbor's son went off to college and his parents were cleaning out some of his clothes. They kindly offered them to me, and I took my pick of a choice few.
It is a nice shirt. It feels like the kind of thing that was made in the Midwest with love and care. The fabric is heavy -beefy-T-, the ink is stout, and there's totally a pocket! I definitely need more shirts with pockets. It is a large and it is white, both out of my targets for shirts. Since it was someone else's I took the benefit of the doubt and was hoping that their style would help me somehow.
On the front, alongside the pocket -which is blank-, is the logo for a company called "Schart's Bakkerÿ". The "y" in bakery has umlauts but I have no idea why, gotta be a German heritage thing. It also informs us that it was founded in 1880 in case you were wondering. The arm even has a little chef, it's gotta be their mascot. On the back is the exact same logo only way bigger. It also has their bakery's slogan "A Family of Tradition" and their location "Mammoth Lakes and Bishop Calif.". Technically this is printed in 5 colors: red, yellow, black, blue, and green. The logo has got some wheat wrapped up with a green bow. It gives me the impression that it is fresh and handmade. At least I assume that's what they were going for.
This shirt is a change of pace from my black graphic tees, so I'll grab it when I don't want to slum it. It is serious business when you've got a pocket going on. Wearing a shirt with a pocket, people may think you could actually be doing something worthwhile. I doubt anyone would know this bakery, but who knows. Part of the point of adopting this shirt from someone else was that their style choices may have a benefit for me. Here's hoping.

The real reason I picked this shirt from the pile was because I saw the wheat in a 7 ears formation as a weed allusion. Back in high school, drug & alcohol related apparel was banned outright, so something like this is perfect for getting under the radar. Now, I have to admit, I've never actually met someone who as seen it that way too. Even after explaining it, people don't really get it. I don't even smoke weed but I was going for the edgy-cool drug reference to pull this shirt together. Since years have passed, and now I have to explain it online for a bunch of people, I'm thinking this shirt didn't turn out the way I had planned. Maybe I was right to leave luck to fate on this one. Heck, I could be sending off all kinds of signals without even knowing it!

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