Thursday, December 30, 2010

Los Al Griffins

I was pretty much forced to buy this shirt. Suffice to say it was a requirement.
In a weird way this is a hard-to-get shirt. It was purchased from the sales desk at the Los Alamitos High School athletics department. You can only get them there and they are fairly priced. I say it's rare-ish because as far as I know only students and faculty can acquire them. Also, the design may be old by now -I got it back in 2000-.
I won't knock this one for being low quality because it is so reliable and they have to make so many in a bunch of different sizes. I am amazed at how long the ink has stayed together, it's cracking but it doesn't go all the way through the letters. Even having been worn and washed for years it still holds together -except a few holes in the sleeves-. I have very few athletic shirts and/or jerseys so I like to keep them around.
This shirt is average. That's cool, it's a relic. A symbol of a long period from my time in school -namely my time in PE-. All it says is "Los Al Griffins" in blue letters on a white background. Easy to wear, easy to produce, keeps the sun off and washes well. Just to cover the bases "Los Al" is short for Los Alamitos and the Griffin is our school mascot. Like most PE uniforms it has a space where you can write your name in so that you know who it belongs to when there are a ton of them in the locker room. The spot where you write your name is up on the left sleeve, it's been put through the wash cycle so many times that my name is completely gone from there. At the time of purchase, these came with a matching pair of blue shorts.
I had this in storage for awhile. I put it up there once I got a bit into college and realized that holding onto high school was not "cool". After that phase and graduating, I started to realize that I was proud of how far I had gotten and where I came from. I didn't start wearing my class ring again, but I ditched the scorn for high school and brought back some old things from retirement. After some calculation, I think I might have worn this shirt more than any other I own -just from all the PE usage over 4 years-. I like grabbing this shirt when I'm going to be hanging out with old friends from high school, it has an aura of nostalgia since almost everyone had the same shirt. And here's to hoping it makes me appear younger rather than creepy.

This shirt has seen a lot of action in it's time. Quite literally I have done a lot my life's working out, running, and exercising while wearing this very shirt. A highlight reel would contain: Mike shattering my watch in tennis, a really awesome pop fly I caught in baseball -where I jumped, did a roll and totally got the out-, my barely successful fitness evaluation and a whole bunch of running laps. One of my recent memories was putting this on to visit a friend's baby shower. Bobby was like, "Really, your PE uniform?" I wore it anyway. When we arrived I was greeted by the host with a hearty, "Farmer, glad you showed up!" quickly followed by a, "Woah, nice shirt! Old school!" In your face haters, old school indeed!

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