Thursday, October 28, 2010

Eight Bit エィートビト

A quick order to Game Skins back in the day got this shirt to me.
I ordered this shirt back in high school when they had maybe 5 or 6 shirts and when I had to use my mom's card  to make any orders online.
This was made back when the full color on black t shirts wasn't in full swing yet so they had to use creative screen printing. We end up with this really simple 4 colors screened on a black shirt with nothing on the back. It's worn because I've used it a lot and it just gets that distressed look.
There are 3 parts to this shirt. 1) The directional pad (d-pad) in perspective from the original NES. 2) "EightBit" referring to games from back in that era. 3) エィートビト basically "Eight Bit" in Japanese, not like how you would say 8-bit in Japanese but just the English words "eight bit" spelled out in Katakana (which doesn't make much sense but looks pretty cool anyway).
To be honest, I'm more a fan of 16 bit. But I could not resist an OG shirt like this. Some of its style is from its simplicity; if you see the d-pad from afar you get the shirt and if you take a second and can tell that it's Japanese text that's on there it'll really make an impression. This is one of my favorite shirts for being referential to a time that my generation really clung to. People who are younger wouldn't get it because their first game might have been Halo while people who are older typically aren't into video games anyway. So what we're left with is something that is directly targeted at my peers and people I can automatically respect for understanding the shirt (it's like a litmus test for nerds).
As you can see from the wear and tear, it's in my regular rotation of shirts. I feel like this shirt is a good expression of me, it is something that I can wear when I am being myself. If I don't want my shirt to be accessible to everyone then I don't have to, it can be just about me and my interests. If you get it, let's roll, if not then maybe ask and I'll have way too much to say; if you're turned off by it then maybe it's working and you can keep walking...

I grew up on the NES. And if you ask me about my 8-bit history, I'll tell you about my humble beginnings. For Christmas, years ago, my parents got me an NES. The key though was they started with 1 game. And then for the time after that they would give the rest of them to me one by one over the next coming weeks. It was the Christmas break that kept on giving. Even though they probably created a monster from this, it was an X-mas to remember.

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