Saturday, October 23, 2010

Joe Jost's

This shirt came into my collection a few years ago as gift or someone didn't want it any more and I'll usually take a free shirt.
It's originally from Joe Jost's bar in Long Beach and can be picked up from their website too.
It's a navy blue shirt but the twist here is that it's got a pocket! It doesn't have a size on the label but says "beefy," it feels like a large or an x-large (as you can see in the picture). It would make sense for them to make these shirts standardly large, as I would imagine your typical beer drinking bar patron would fit that size.
On the front is the logo just above the pocket. The arm has a little American flag with under it. The back is once again the logo but with their famous "Schooner" of beer. It's done in 2 color yellow and white (with the foam done in halftone dots) screened on. Add the red and blue flag in there and it's technically 4 color hah!
The design for this shirt was made for the average blue collar worker or average patron who wants to support their local bar. Joe Jost's is somewhat of a legend in the Long Beach area and I knew about even before I was of age to drink. Apparently it's like 4-5 bucks for one of their schooners of beer and it always seemed epic. Of course, coming out of high school, any drug or alcohol themed apparel seems really edgy and dangerous, so acquiring a bar shirt with a huge glass of beer on the back seems to be a natural step (even if I don't actually drink that often or like beer, or have ever been to Joe Jost's for that matter).
I might wear this somewhere where I think someone will recognize it or will somehow think I'm cooler (or at least more chill) for liking beer and bars. I understand that it falls under false pretenses, but I'm not usually looking to make friends at a frat party or some crazy kegger, so this allows me to blend in and go with the flow. I'll ask you your favorite beer, maybe disagree with you, and tell you, "At least it's better than PBR lolol."

Again, I've never been to the bar this shirt is from, however I have heard a story or two from it. A fun anecdote to know when the shirt comes up is that the bar is famous for having something like "the coldest Pabst Blue Ribbon in the world on tap." This was true up until their supplier started charging them more for it and the owner would not budge (I'm assuming both parties thought they had the upper hand in the argument). Sorry to say however, the owner stood his ground and actually was forced forced to change to Busch. So if you ever pick up a Schooner be prepared to: down a ton of Busch, pop a few picked eggs, mourn the loss of the Pabst and have a toast for me, 'cuz chances are I probably won't be there.

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