Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wanna beat the game? GameShark

My Mom came home and gave me this shirt.
It was back in like 2005 or so, when she got a press pass to the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3.) I was like "holy crap! Get me all the swag plz!" She came back with this and some other cool stuff.
We've got a real basic shirt here: white, printed with like 4 colors and since it was an E3 giveaway it's in classic nerd XL. They bought some cheap ass shirts and put little to no design into it.
Their tag line back then was "Wanna beat the game?" Because apparently you can't beat the game... So you see this shirt and then you gotta see the back, "Ohh god, I can't beat the game, what must I do mystery shirt!?" Ohh, GameShark, so cheat you ass off. Pro.
Wearing this shirt is like the opposite of cred, you're like, "Hey guys I'm so bad at playing games that I have to cheat to even beat the game." They could have done something like, "Make the game serve you" or, "Break it until it's fun," I mean there are a lot bigger goals you can shoot for when using game modification tools. I like it because it's exclusive, since you could have only gotten it from E3 and the company doesn't really exist anymore in its game cheat capacity.
I like to wear it ironically, assuming that the people who are around me or people that know about me understand that I wouldn't be using a GameShark. I try to wear it when I know someone will know what the GameShark was or would get the reference.

I got this back when the Game Shark was relevant but people would be like, "really? GameShark? Why would you wear that?" Obviously they knew what it was and I could razz them about using it, a game of bait and switch. It also gave me a sweet opportunity to talk about E3 and exclusive stuff. Kind of a dumb shirt but it was free and brings back memories of a time long past.

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