Friday, March 11, 2011

Harley Quinn

I  purchased this from a booth at Wondercon.
That booth is named Graphitti Designs and they are usually at the big cons. They have licensed designs from DC Comics, Dark Horse as well as View Askew Productions -Jay & Silent Bob-. They sell their shirts at conventions, on their own website and they also supply local comic book shops and other companies. When I was at Wondercon that year I didn't have a job but I needed this shirt; I spent what little cash I had on it. You can get it from this website or probably at this year's San Diego Comic-Con, Wondercon or maybe even the Long Beach Comic-Con.
When Graphitti has all of their shirts laid out on their tables they look so perfect. They use heavy fabric and ink, detailed graphics and colorful backgrounds. Picking up and inspecting one of their shirts makes an instant sale. That is to say that when you see one with a design you like you want to buy it, weather you have money for it or not. I've always wanted a Harley shirt and I adore anything by Bruce Timm. This black graphic tee is something I had been seeking for a long time. 
The designer that they paid to make this shirt had an easy job and did it well -in my opinion-. The illustration is from the cover of a comic one-shot called "Batman Adventures: Mad Love." Basically, the story was in the style of Batman: The Animated Series and ended up as an episode because it was so good. The designer could have put the entire cover on the front of the shirt -which would have included Batman & The Joker- but they chose to isolate Harley Quinn -The Joker's main squeeze- with nothing else. I <3 her expression and the little hearts.
Harley is such a pin-up girl. What I am trying to say is that there are places that this shirt would not be cool in -I'll let you populate that short list on your own-. This is one of my guilty pleasure shirts. Batman fans get the reference and are cool with a shirt like this. There are people who appreciate Harley Quinn, it's just that there are certain stigmas that come with wearing a shirt with a girl and a big pink heart. The key is to wear it and  not give a single fuck about what people think about you. It's awesome and geeky and hot and I'll wear it whenever I want to.

When I buy a t-shirt I love I usually wear it out the next day. At school we had a field trip to a local natural history museum -this was in college-. We were learning about ancient Egyptian burial methods, hierarchy and art. We had to take notes as we went around to each of the exhibits throughout our tour and exploration. As we were leaving, one of the attendants commented on my shirt. She was a girl about my age sitting on a stool taking tickets. She got my attention and asked if this was a Harley Quinn shirt. I chimed back that it was in fact what she thought it was and asked if she was a fan. She was, Harley was one of her favorite characters. She went on to say that she recognized the shirt because her boyfriend worked the Graphitti booth at the convention I got this from. D'oh, still kinda cool though.

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