Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Spirit

This shirt was from Comic-Con and was given away as a promo item.
I got this as almost a surprise. As I walk through conventions my swag radar is always poised for the attack. You kind of get the feel of what is getting handed out where and which items are rare. As I was walking by one of the booths I started seeing people with these unique Punisher posters and I caught the trail. I followed the path of people to a booth that had a big stack of them. At that moment a girl opened a hidden door on the side of the booth and came out with a big bundle of shirts. I didn't even realize what was going on until she asked if anyone wanted a shirt. Never being one to say no to free stuff, I obliged her and grabbed one. As far as I know, getting this from thier booth or as promo was the only way to obtain one of these.
This is a tight shirt, I think it's a small -and the quality is light to boot-. I like form fitting shirts every once in a while because they make me feel muscular, but I end up having to pull them down when I sit down or stand up because they tend to shift -I don't know how girls manage it-. A rare, free, black, comic book/movie based shirt is the perfect kind for me, no complaints here.
This is a very elegant design. Simple but strong and eye-catching, it gets the message across well. All they printed on the chest is the sole of a shoe. Just as if someone kicked you in the chest with a pair of Converse on or stepped on you while you were left for dead in the street. I thought the size of the footprint was a bit large at first, but when I put my shoe up to it it almost matched -my shoe was actually a little bigger-. Within the footprint are the words "The Spirit". The tee is an advertisement for the movie The Spirit, an adaptation of the Will Eisner detective comic of the same name, which was coming to theaters that year.
This really is just a cool look. The footprint is very "street", "urban", almost "underground". If you know The Spirit and get the reference, it blows all of those initial notions out of the way. You quickly understand that you're looking at a nerd tshirt like any Superman or Batman logo. Hopefully, if you're savvier you know that this is limited edition and from a convention, probably because you were there. Also, we can talk about how bad that movie was and question why it didn't live up to its pedigree.

People are attracted to the silliness of this shirt and tend to at least take a second look. They'll go, "Ohh is that from that crappy movie a few years back?" Yeah, it is, but wasn't Sin City way better? Anyway, it's been joked about from time to time and one of these days someone is going to put their foot right in the print on this shirt and I'm gonna end up on the floor. I'm just not sure when it's gonna happen.

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