Thursday, February 3, 2011


I bought this shirt for myself once I found out that they actually exist.
After questing for a for a few weeks to locate a Yoshinoya in the area I finally went all the way out to one. Like In-N-Out, they sell merchandise at each franchise. They have a little cabinet with all the t-shirts and hats and stuff they sell in it. I asked one of the cashiers to grab me a shirt and then bought it.
Dark blue with Japanese writing is really cool and I like these kind of dark graphic shirts. The ink is wearing off in some parts but that's 'cuz I have been wearing it a lot. When I bought it in the restaurant they told me that they only had it in extra large. Gah, so awful, but whatever, it looks soooo cool and I had to have it.
The front has the Yoshinoya logo and, in really stylized Kanji, the word Yoshinoya (吉野家). On the sleeve is the word "Yoshinoya" like they would have on the side of a building. Right at the neck on the back is the logo: the Yoshinoya "Y" surrounded by the traditional rope. This restaurant serves delicious delicious rice and noodles with meat and vegetables . They're all over the US and even in Japan!
I'll wear this, not on any particular day, not for any particular reason but just because I think that it looks cool. It's fun wearing this at work with people who can read the Kanji. It sometimes takes a second or two but, it's funny to watch. "Yo- Yoshinoya? Ohhh! Oishii na?" haha, yeah, it's super tasty.  Shirts with Japanese text on them are sweet to wear and when someone sees them they assume that says like "Hope" or "Death" or something awesome. When in reality I'm almost wearing a McDonalds shirt, subtle but a fun in-joke. 

Some people don't like Yoshinoya. Some people think that their food is too greasy. You people make me sick. If you look at a map you can see that my house is like the geographic center between all the Yoshinoyas in this area. So they take a special trip to go to and I really like it. =( AND TO THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE SOY-SAUCE -ON-WHITE-RICE HATERS, I'M JUST GONNA KEEP DOING IT AND YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO STOP ME. MMMMM MMM M IT'S SO DELICIOUS!! (you know who you are...)

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