Monday, January 3, 2011

Drink Harvester Wheat Beer

This was a gift from my brother.
He probably got it from a rep for the company at concert or a bar or someone gave it to him, maybe bought it at the gift shop? Regardless, you can only get this in Wichita, Kansas.
The shirt is standard weight, no surprises here. The printing started out with a worn in look which has gotten progressively worse with washes. It's a large but it feels like a medium, maybe from a the washing. So either my brother got this for me or passed it off 'cuz it didn't fit. =P More graphic tees, booya!
On the front is a ad for this company's beer. It says, "Drink fresh & Full bodied Harvester Wheat beer - available at - River City Brewery" along with a picture of a "full bodied" lady in a sweater laying against a bale of wheat. It's designed to look distressed and is printed in red and white. On the back is a little logo up near the neck that says "River City Brewery, Wichita, Kansas". I assume this is a local micro brew that's got a wheat flavor. I'd bet the girl is either clip art with some wheat or some art they commissioned but it really feels kinda slapped on there.
I like the edginess of this shirt. Because it's liquor themed at the same time as being down home and traditional looking. Like the bakery shirt, it's a stealth contraband design. I don't think I had this in high school, but if I did it would have been awesome. I got a kick wearing this in college just because I couldn't wear them before and it's has this liberating feeling. At first glance you don't even notice that it's a liquor shirt per say. You'd have to see the pretty girl, stay a while, and take a read. Only then would you know that this is a beer promoting shirt. The other reason I like wearing this is the same reason I like my Harley Quinn shirt, the beautiful girl. I love the taboo that goes along with pinup girls; they are risqué but are also almost all PG rated. It's just this aura of "naughtiness" that is around them. I enjoy walking the line of inappropriate and mainstream. By that I mean since I enjoy the lower brow things in life I feel like they should be brought into the light more often than they are. A painting with a lovely form on it can be shown off as long at it's not lewd, maybe a poster, maybe a t-shirt, everyone should be able to see it and the more awareness the better I say -just need to lower the bar a bit-. Art is art no matter if you are Marcel Duchamp, Bruce Timm, or someone who draws characters on the Internet. 

This shirt is fun and I like the feeling I get when wearing it. I feel like I am going to get caught or scolded or something, it's an adventure. The problem is that no one I've met actually has a problem with this shirt, it's too well designed. It just seems like an old fashioned distressed tee like any other. I guess it took a lot less to shake things up back in school. I think I need to get more x-rated shirts, just to see what happens. It could start a trend in kinky shirts, maybe start a revolution right? It only takes one person! 

On a side note, for some reason I find it easier to write these on my iPhone than on a keyboard at my desk. Less distractions I think.

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