Thursday, January 27, 2011

Final Fantasy XI Online - Windurst

This was free. I wouldn't say that it was a gift but more of a way to clear out extra stock.
Someone had a bunch extra and were handing them out. During work one day we got a message that these were being distributed because -as far as I could tell- they didn't want to keep storing them around the building. Since I was stuck "on call" as it were I shot out an email for them to hold one until I could get free. They emailed me right back and later that afternoon it was delivered to my desk with a post-it note attached reading "Chris ファーマー".
White shirts show a few things, mainly that it's cheaply made/designed and that it's mass produced -they also show dirt and spills but I wasn't going to go there-. Because this wasn't a shirt just for me I couldn't pick the size, I had to snag what was available -in this case a large-. Regardless of where I work I would want to have apparel that matched my employment -so I can show off a little-. I've got about 3 FFXI shirts and I think a few more of other SQEX games at this point so I'm comfortable with that.
Okay, so it is starting to look like I have a lot more over the breast-pocket design shirts than I previously thought I had. For this promo shirt they just took the stock FINAL FANTASY XI -yes, all caps is how it's correctly spelled- logo and four-color printed it on the front. No thrills no extra design just the logo. On the back though they actually had a good idea. In the game there are three starting cities: San d'oria, Bastok, and Windurst. For the full campaign of these shirts all three cities were represented. Unfortunately, I don't remember enough about the population to know if this is the least popular city or not, but I can only make assumptions since they had an entire box of these left over. On the actual back of this shirt is Windurst's crest and below that a stack of copyright information and the words "Federation of Windurst". The crest has been printed in full color and looks great.
For my "work" shirts I try not to wear them at work for one because I hate matching shirts with people. It seems that other people like to wear SQEX gear on the job and it feels like those who aren't me don't have as many shirts in their rotation, so there's a higher chance of  "shirt buddies" occurring. That being said, I like to wear these on the weekend to flaunt where I'm employed.

I've never worn this shirt IRL before today, it hasn't even been washed yet. I would love to have someone come up and be like, "Windy represent!". Of all of the races in FINAL FANTASY XI I know that the Taru's and the Mithra's are the most animated and exited adventurers and their players reflect that. I would rather have had a Bastok crest variant since that was the city that my Hume grew up in but I think I'll manage. FINAL FANTASY XIV may be off to a rocky start but here's hoping that 7 years from now it's still as strong as Vana'diel's fanbase.

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