Saturday, December 18, 2010

Captain Eo

I bought this shirt for myself. I got it the second time I saw it because I thought it was too too expensive when I first spotted it. But, after thinking about it for awhile, I realized I had to have it.
I was hoping to get it online or from another source. As it turns out, this shirt can only be purchased from the Tomorrowland merchandise gift shop after you exit the Captain Eo ride at Disneyland. I used my annual pass to get a discount, so that curbed the higher price.
I would expect any Disney products to be of a certain "high quality." The ink has a huge printed area and has a nice halftone pattern with bold colors. The actual cloth quality is a bit light and thin -seems similar to undershirt material-. MJ used it under his jacket in movie, so maybe it's that way on purpose. I had to fumble around the display for a minute or two looking at sizes before a castmember pulled a medium -which was totally right on top-.
This is another artifact shirt. It is the shirt that Captain EO wears under his flight jacket in the self titled 3D movie at Disneyland -although his glows and has some sort of magic-. On the front is this swoosh shape. It is done in three colors: red -whose registration is a bit off-, yellow and blue -the blue is also used for the outer glow around the entire shape-. On the back is a one color screen of the Captain EO logo, right on the top center -you don't see the back in the movie but I'd bet he doesn't have his own logo on the back of his shirt-.
I would like to wear this more often than I do. I bought it after I started the blog, this means -since I'm posting every time I wear a new shirt- that I hadn't even worn it yet! The people who would get this are either Michael Jackson fans or one of two other categories of Disney(land) fans. 1) They saw and loved the Captain Eo ride back in the day -aka the '80s- or 2) They saw it recently and know him from the re-done "tribute" ride. Either will do, and I I'm hoping to have as many people recognize it as possible.

People seem to generally like this shirt/Captain EO. I did have to explain it to one person though. A nice part of it being so simple is that it is really iconic and easy to recognize. I was even able to have someone Facebook friend me based on them remembering the shirt and me, and were able to pick it out of some mutual friend's list. The endgame -best possible outcome- for this shirt would obviously be everyone breaking out into choreographed song and dance. We can then destroy the Borg queen and save the universe. Barring that, get to watching and practicing everyone:

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