Friday, December 10, 2010

"I guess there are never enough books." -John Steinbeck

Hmmm, literary themed shirt... I think this was a gift from someone.
Gotta be from my mom. Now, where she got it, is going to be a mystery to me. Though since it's kinda nice and promoting this book title, I think she bought it from the publisher's booth at a library conference. Now that I checked, it's a large, probably a giveaway...
For an oversized shirt it's not too bad! The fabric seems nice and it has got that grey thing going on which I am so strangely fond of. Grey is this awesome middle ground where it's not antisocial/emo/alt black and it's not bright/shiny/cheerful white. It hits this cool, "not all black but still trendy" vibe. Without having to try really hard or use a gaudy design. It's a large but, umm is it too late to say, "I'll grow into it"?
On the front is a classic quote from John Steinbeck, "I guess there are never enough books." It credits the quote to Steinbeck but also to "Steinbeck: A Life in Letters" which is a book of his letters to family, friends and colleagues over his lifetime. Published in the late '80s and weighing in at over 900 pages it makes me wonder why they've got merch for it. On the back it says "Steinbeck's Legacy" and then proceeds to list off his major works all the way down the spine.
I like to wear this if I'm going somewhere special that doesn't require dressing up. Maybe if I'm meeting my mom's friends/coworkers/students or a place where I could meet someone intellectual. It provides the visage that I am a learned reader and I appreciate the classics and their masters. So much so, that I wear my affinity for literature with pride. I mean, getting a Steinbeck tee isn't as easy as you might think -you'd probably have to get it custom-. The big problem with sporting something like this, expecting to get noticed, is that I have to fake it pretty hard to pass for a bibliophile -a quick topic switch after the initial inquiry is essential-.

I have always enjoyed wearing intellectual accessories. Well I guess not always, I really hated my glasses when I first got them. Made me feel like a nerd/imperfect, etc. But as the years passed I grew into them and began to embrace the high IQ look. I suppose to counter the social stigma of glasses and knowledge, I developed something of a superiority complex associated with intelligence. -Having a doctoral professor of education and a vice president of accounts as parents strengthens this thought process.- Along with the glasses I added a class ring, I wore a fake Rolex for a while, my Green Lantern ring, a Bill Gates haircut and geek shirts. Nerds had their 15 seconds of fame and it was cool for a bit. It's just my style at this point, maybe I should take Evan up on "Bro Day" sometime.

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