Friday, December 10, 2010

Game Over

I bough this shirt at some random store; it may have been at the same time I got the Legend of Zelda shirt or the Scooby-Doo one.
This design is really common and it is easy to find it in many different locations. Well it used to be at least. Now you may need to buy it online or something. Back in the day you could probably get this at JCPenney, Target, Kohls, GameStop or Hot Topic.
The shirt is heavily mass produced, and that means two things: 1) it is made by a large corporation, so it is well designed and can't be too awful, since they have been doing this a while and know what they're doing; 2) since this is the case, they also know to use the cheapest materials, methods and labor to make the product. Both these attributes cause this shirt to be well constructed and reliable just not particularly high quality or unbreakable.
On the front is a purple mushroom with a a skull on it, supposedly a poisonous mushroom from Super Mario Brothers. But they took some artistic licence with the design and put like a Punisher logo on it instead of the grim purple skull on the 16-bit version. Also, the mushroom eyes are neutral, when on the classic poison mushroom they are angry and evil. Ohh, almost forgot, it says "game over" like you saw this this mushroom and died. Hah
I like to wear this around almost anywhere. It's a nice entry level shirt that most people get cuz it's blatantly Mario related, it even says "game" on it. It's a nice shirt to wear when I want people to know I'm a gamer, and I need to make that fact very clear right off the bat. This works twofold: I could want them to interact with me by making common interests obvious OR I want them to know I'm a geek and if that's not their cup of tea then this shirt will ward off lame people. It's a subtle little social divining rod.

My problem with wearing this shirt is that is is sooo mainstream. When other gamers see this shirt they are like, "hmm that shirt ehh? I've seen that everywhere... You couldn't find a more indie shirt anywhere?" well maybe not that obvious but that's what they are saying in my head. With the phrase "game over" it's kind of a anti-social shirt that tells people to get away. Maybe it is for that reason that I don't usually get comments on the shirt. It could be that subconsciously I pick this out when I'm in a bad mood and just ward people away and I never realized it until just now...

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