Thursday, December 2, 2010


I bought this shirt for myself. I saw someone wearing one while waiting in line for the Toy Story ride in California Adventure and immediately wanted it.
An ElecTRONica tee can only be purchased at the Hollywood Downtown area of Disney's California Adventure. During the weekends they are hosting the ElecTRONica event this winter time. A rare-ish shirt commemorating this Disney event.
The overall structure of the shirt is quality. It's nice cotton, blue, and the ink seems to be on there pretty good -I don't expect to see it cracking anytime soon-. The part that makes this shirt extra awesome is that it glows-in-the-dark! Oh. And they had it in a medium, which is nice too.
This tee only has a design on the front. While it does have a little "Disney's California Adventure" logo screened on the sleeve the main event is happening on the middle of the chest. It simply states "ElecTRONica" even with the cool capitalization. The text is in the traditional Tron font and has that eerie cold neon blue outer glow. They also went to the extra effort of printing a subtle reflection of the letters under it, like it was on some giant piece of glass. When the house lights go down this baby glows with the blue/green neon that has become synonymous with the Tron franchise.
Since the new movie is less than 3 weeks away I want to wear this shirt as much as possible. not only because it's totally rad, and fairly hard to come by. But because even though I had an awesome time at this event, wearing it after the movie comes out and the attraction is closed at California Adventure, the shirt will become obsolete and no longer topical. I mean right now, no one has seen the movie and I have boundless hope that it will be Amazing. Who knows, I may never want to wear this shirt again if I get disappointed. I'd like to share my anticipation for this film with other fans while it's still fresh.

I picked this up on the second time I went to ElecTRONica. I really can't get enough of the place. The epic lights, the music, the sirens and of course Flynn's arcade. I have always had a fascination with artifacts of visual media. I have Ash's hat from Pokémon, a green lantern ring and of course my Keyblade. Artifacts always make you feel just that much closer to the media. This though, ElecTRONica, is the closest you're gonna get to being on the grid. It's a circuit laced, techno pumping, retro gaming festival -with $7 beers-. I'll be sad when it's over but until then, "Change the scheme, Alter the mood, Electrify the boys and girls if you'd be so kind."

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