Friday, December 3, 2010

Legend of Zelda - Windwaker

This is a shirt that I had seen around on other people for awhile and eventually sought out and bought for myself.
Unfortunately, when I asked people, "Where is you get that great shirt?" they would reply, "Hot Topic." *sigh* So, after I caved in, I found a Hot Topic and got this. I think you can get this on their website too.
The nice thing about official shirts is that they tend to be a bit higher quality. Even though it's a run of the mill black graphic tee the print job is professional and has not cracked or faded since I've gotten it. It took me a bit to track down a medium since this was such a popular shirt when it was in circulation.
The stained glass window on the front is why I bought this shirt. The pane is of "toon Link" from Windwaker on Gamecube. It is awesome Legend of Zelda merchandise but the best part is the overall design. It's art deco stained glass and is way more stylish than almost any other video game shirt. They went with a layout that actually is just dumping a key art image dead center on the shirt. With this intricate and antique theme it is able to stand on its own and make and awesome reference. On the back is the logo for Legend of Zelda: Windwaker screened in 1 color grey.
I like to use this stained glass shirt as a "high class" video game graphic t-shirt. Yes, I can wear it most places and it is indeed great for any nerd/geek interactions. However, there is so much more that can be done. I use this as like a video games mood setter or an interactive entertainment litmus test. Because the design is so good it can transcend its traditional social scenes and work when meeting with grown up people or non gaming crowds. With a shirt like this you can fit in with nice fashion but also stay true to your inner gamer.

Almost every time I wear this shirt I get a "Nice shirt!" comment -even today at work-. I've had everyone from anime fans to airport checkers notice and compliment me on this shirt. It's really very iconic. It is easy to distinguish from afar and is recognizable enough to pick out Link even if you haven't played that particular title. My problem though, is whenever someone asks me, "where did you get that?" I have to kind of grimace and tell them "Hot Topic". Most people know how it is, they want awesome merch but don't want to succumb to the crazy goth punk rock sellout establishment that Hot Topic stands for. The worst part is that recently they made a sister shirt to this one with Princess Zelda on it. I'm still working on going back there, maybe I'll try shopping online...


  1. Lazy animation...THE SHIRT!!!

  2. People ate it up! I mean Minish Cap, Spirit Tracks, Phantom Hourglass and Smash Bros. They can't get enough of the Toon Link~
