Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This was given to me as a gift.
It was from my uncle or uncle's son who lives in Iceland. They probably got it from a local gift shop or the airport.
Blue is a nice deviation from the rest of my wardrobe. It's kind of a darker blue, but it will stand out none the less. They managed to to get me a medium, which I appreciate. Because this shirt is so basic that there isn't much to get wrong. The neck elastic is tight for some reason. It seems like a smaller neck hole than on shirts I'm used to -could be a European thing?-. The stitching on the front is well done and is still holding together.
The only thing that is on this shirt is the word Reykjavik embroidered across the chest. The colors are not quite rainbow; they're bolder, darker and warmer colors. Reykjavik, being the capital and largest city in Iceland, is probably one of the only tourist stops as well. If you were going there I'd imagine you'd want to pick up their shirt. Clearly I have no idea what's in Iceland.
This is a fun shirt when I have no agenda for the day. It's bright and cheery and stands out. I don't think I'd even wear this if I were meeting someone from Iceland, it is such a tourist shirt I would hope they'd find it almost offensive. This shirt is convenient for me to wear if I am trying to blend in with normal people or downplay the nerdyness.

What a nice shirt don'tcha think? I wouldn't even have a story to tell about this shirt if someone asked me. I've never been to Iceland, I don't really have it on my list of places I'd like to visit. All I have is relatives I barely know there. Hmm, maybe I should take this as a sign that I should get more information about the Iceland Farmers. You never know, family is always important no matter where you're from, or where you end up.

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