Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Black Lantern

It all was leading up to this.
I bought this shirt after all the others. The Black Lanterns are the antagonists of the series and probably the most badass of all of the corps. I knew from the start that I was going to get one of these but I waited until the end to actually pick it up. If I remember correctly I got this from Frank and Sons. I didn't get it right when they came out though, since I didn't want to spend the money and I don't get to conventions or shows that often. After I had started collecting the comics and trades I really understood the Black Lanterns and got this shirt.
The quality is still really good on these and that is defiantly why I keep coming back. Though I could see myself buying these even if they were crummy. I had been looking forward to this design for awhile since it matches all my criteria for awesome shirts and fits in the series. Black shirts with white designs are nothing new but this one manages to take it to another level by also fitting in with a literal rainbow of other shirts and designs. Even after I stop wearing the other Green Lantern shirts I'll probably keep this one around since it's so cool by itself.
The symbol is reminiscent of industrial chemical warning signs but it also has allusions to the story. The main villain throughout the Blackest Night is a man who calls himself the Black Hand, he grew up around a mortuary and became twisted and evil. He was a recurring nemesis for several decades, but only recently was he chosen by the Black Lantern to rise to power. If you look at the icon you can make out a palm and five fingers pointing up a "black hand" or rays of light emanating from the ground. A Black Lantern member is chosen from the dead, risen back to life and obeys the commands of their master. We've basically got a zombie type situation here where any fallen foe or ally can come back to fight you. They also play mind games on the living if they were emotionally close, tricking them into letting down their guard. Their oath is just as sadistic:
The Blackest Night falls from the skies,
The darkness grows as all light dies,
We crave your hearts and your demise,
By my black hand--The dead shall rise!
Other than the Red Lanterns, the Black Lanterns are the most brutal and wicked awesome corps of them all. They are nearly invincible -with regeneration etc.- and almost anyone can become one. The pure evilness and power that they exude make them prime coolness material. This shirt is really recognizable and can be a great stepping point into the Blackest Night story, whether you are accustomed to comics or completely new.

We had a long discussion about super villains today. As it turns out Black Hand's original powers and motivations were a bit difficult to detail before he became a Black Lantern. One time I wore this to an impromptu wake and people didn't realize the reference until months later on Facebook. I laughed a little on the inside but that just eases the loss. 

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