Friday, May 20, 2011


There's no question here, I got this shirt from my mom.
Whenever she goes to on a business trip she asks if I want any souvenirs. If she's going somewhere nice or unique maybe I'll ask for a keychain or a trinket, perhaps a doodad or a whatnot. I have a standing order to grab any "cool freebies" that she can find at her conferences. She'll sometimes come home with fun pens, highlighters, Rubik's cubes, etc. And sometimes a shirt -or two-.
That said, the shirts that come from conferences aren't the pick of the litter. I didn't need another white shirt, I wasn't looking for an extra-large, and I really was going for something with a lot more style and brand recognition. I got this though, and I'll wear it and blog about it. Hopefully it'll be better next time, gotta stay positive. No reason to look a gift horse in the mouth.
On the front left pocket area is the logo for the company that gave out the shirt. I've never heard of them but at the very least they took out the extra few cents per unit to have their mark printed with three colors. It says "FluentMEDIA" a lead development and affiliate marketing company. You've probably never heard of them either. Finishing up the design is their motto: "Your world in a single stream". Those two things are the entirety of the layout today. Next!
No one will get this shirt. Ever. So if someone does... it would have to be that they frequent business/education conferences or literally work there. I'd bet that if you were even one of their clients you wouldn't know it because they seem to do logistics behind the scene so there might only be one contact in your company that talks to them. When someone sees it all I can hope for is that they think I know someone who works at a corporation. Right? That would be something I would want people to think?

Yeah, so even I don't remember something clever or poignant about this lame design. Seemingly worthless shirts like this can have some use after a while. Once I give up all hope of wearing this as a standard shirt, it can be "upcycled" into another shirt. There are all kinds of things you can do, add more logos, bleach out what they have there and use it as a blank shirt -iron-ons go here-, cut it up and use the fabric to make more apparel, or even a cleaning chamois.

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