Friday, April 29, 2011

Agent Orange

I saw this shirt and I had to have it. I bought it immediately. It must be mine... all mine.
I bought it at the same time that I got the Red Lantern shirt. It was the Graphitti booth at WonderCon in the Moscone Center. Their booth always has the best shirts. That was the year they were debuting the full line of Corps shirts and they had them all laid out in a rainbow across the whole booth -except for one-.
This is my only orange shirt, well it was until Moke gave me another one a little while ago. Orange is a great color, it's bright, cheery, and uncommon. I like using it in design, you can even see it in the Momentees logo. I always get these shirts in medium, buying them at retail as opposed to getting them for free allows me to get the correct size, ahaha. It's not like I had to find this shirt or get interested in it, I just needed to have the next one in the set.
Agent Orange is one of the names that the keeper of the Orange light goes by. This corps is defined by avarice and is commanded by only one member: Larfleeze. Unlike the others who have a governing body or leader and an army of members the orange battery of greed has only one guardian. He is able to harness all the power of the battery for himself to create light constructs of his fallen victims, anyone he has ever defeated is recreated as a minion of Larfleeze. The design of the shirt is naturally orange with the lantern logo dead center.
If I'm feeling particularly "greedy" I'll pick this one out to wear. I assume that most people will not get the reference so I try and limit it to comic gatherings or places where I hope to meet someone that will get it. Larfleeze is a really badass character and people become very interested in the series when they hear about him and his army of doppelgangers.

Last year, on Black Friday, I wore this shirt the night before -when we were waiting for Toys R Us to open ad midnight- and all the next day. We hit up most of the big stores who were having sales and grabbed all the awesome Christmas/holiday gifts for that season. The day after Thanksgiving is a "tradition" that my mom and I have been doing for years and blatant consumerism like that feels just right for the "Greed" shirt.

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