Friday, April 22, 2011

Ninja Gaiden

Got this from Moke, he gave it to me. It was awesome, you shoulda been there, I mean really.
Before Moke? Before him, it was from GameStop. After doing a bit of research I found that they gave out some shirts with pre-orders of Ninja Gaiden but I don't think it was this one. It seemed to be a retro design or from the Sigma release. This was just some promo that showed up at his branch and he grabbed it while he could, and for that, I thank you (him). It looks like Tecmo retails them online:
Black shirts with cool designs are what this site is founded on. So hell yeah, bring on another, and another! It also helps that the design comes from a classic franchise and is all silhouetted and ninja-y and cool. The printing is super small and the shirt itself is an extra-large but who cares, apparently like a fourth of my shirts are XL at this point. =/
There are three elements of this design, and the logo/copyright information. The main one is a blood spatter, dead center in the chest. It makes a cool outline of Ryu Hayabusa -the main character and uber-ninja of the series- as he is running at you with a katana or something. The splat is clever, easy to manufacture, and totally fits the series. Next comes the logo, but with no treatments or anything added to it. This is the black and white version. The normal one -or at least the one on the box- has some red outer glow, a reflective looking gradient, and is beveled. The last thing before the logo is a quote from Ryu, "It is quicker to go through your opponent, than to go around him." Maybe "Mash X" would have been a bit more fitting. Of course, in really tiny red/white text is the name and tag line of the developer/publisher, "TECMO | 100% Games".
There is a certain limit or balance that this shirt faces. One way, the design is gamer oriented and I want to show it off and have a whole bunch of people notice it for the retro game reference. But I have to measure that against it being super large and not wanting to look bad in front of a whole bunch of people. >_> The way you've gotta wear it is by just not caring what anyone thinks of it but yourself. Hopefully, with that, your awesomeness will be evident, regardless of what you have on.

I feel that this shirt is too basic to warrant a really amazing Event. Today wasn't to memorable due to my recent homework lock down status but even so I think there are probably about two things that will come from this shirt. One, people will see it and be like, "Aww yeah! Ninja Gaiden (1-3) on the original NES were awesome! I played those for so many days during the summer." Or two, they'll have played -or read online about- the one on XBOX and be bring up the fact that is super ridiculously OMFG difficult. People who haven't even played it know about that, so I'm ready for either situation. 

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