Friday, April 15, 2011

Marceline the Vampire Queen

I made this shirt for myself in the last 2 days or so.
There is an upcoming Adventure Time gallery showing that I'm planning on attending this weekend. They are encouraging people to dress up as characters from the show but I'm just not that prepared. I suppose a Finn costume wouldn't be to difficult but it's just so mainstream! I grabbed a few pics from the internet, traced them out and put them on this shirt. The company is really cool about it so I was able to get a few elements from the official blog. Obviously this is one of a kind but I don't think it would be too hard to make more -though it's super copyright infringement-.
I used the same method for this shirt that I did for the Party Cat and /co/ shirts. Iron on paper is like my go-to thing for tshirt designing. It's really easy to lay out because you can just use 4 color process and print on an inkjet. The really time consuming part is using a razor blade to cut out all the little shapes. I took a little extra step on this one and put designs on the sleeves as well. The ironing didn't come out perfectly but then again it rarely does. You can see how it's kind of black-ish on the right side of the back, that is from the iron melting the paper to the shirt. It helps it stay on and looks worn/cool but it's really more of a flaw. The shirt itself is just a generic black shirt that I got in a three-pack from Target. I usually try to keep a couple in stock in case I get inspired.
The shirt is inspired by the the show Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, the logo for which is on the left arm. On the right arm is a little banner that says AT, taken from their character reference sheets available on their blog. Also from their reference sheets is the "Cartoon Network Studios" logo that I put right on the top of the neck -the shirt is tagless so it was easy to put that there without any problems-. I added all of these little elements because when printing out images for shirts it is a lot like sticker sheets: you use an entire sheet even if you only print one thing on it, so I tacked on these little elements in the margins and cut them out later. In particular everything on this shirt is based on the episode "Nightosphere". The character on the front is "Marceline the Vampire Queen", she's an awesome vampire girl who's a hard rocker with a mischievous personality. In this particular episode she sings a sweet song about her dad not paying enough attention to her. On the back are the full lyrics -it's a short song-, along with the headphones and Walkman that Finn uses to record it. The song goes something like this:
Daddy, why did you eat my fries?
I bought them, and they were mine.
But you ate them, yeah, you ate my fries.
And I cried, but you didn’t see me cry.
Daddy, do you even love me?
Well I wish you’d show it,
Because I wouldn’t know it.
What kind of dad eats his daughter's fries?
And doesn’t look her in the eyes?
Daddy there were tears there.
If you saw them would you even care?
I am concerned that this shirt is going to wear out soon so I plan on wearing it to the gallery this weekend and maybe a day at Comic Con if Adventure Time is still popular. In this episode Marceline is sad and that is reflected in the shirt. Hopefully -in the future- wearing this shirt around will get all kinds of awesome attention and maybe even make a few fans. Marceline can have that effect on people.

I don't quite know how this shirt will turn out. I had a great time putting it together so that was fun at least. There are probably going to be a lot of really wicked costumes, and with that I'm sure that I will get left in the background. Even if the shirt is overshadowed the art will still be amazing and maybe I'll get to meet the creators or something. It'll be a sweet night regardless, filled with friends and art and Adventure!

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